Wednesday, January 30, 2013


One of the most fun aspects of performing is the props! All of a sudden, a dance, song or dialogue takes on a whole new dimension when costumes, set pieces and props enter the scene. Last Thursday's rehearsal was no different. We were able  to use our canes for the first time this session in "Accentuate the Positive" (going for a 30's soft-shoe theme). They were a big hit and no one actually got hit in the process (despite the required swinging and  twirling in the air)! The singers' pulled it off beautifully, staying focused on their choreography and not being thrown in the slightest. Very fun stuff.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

"True Colors"

This week we had a wonderful first rehearsal of our Winter Session of YMS. Our theme this session is "True Colors" and we have chosen songs from many different genres that celebrate the special nature of each individual, being true to ourselves and respecting the good in others. This seems fitting as each week in rehearsal we support and respect and learn about eachother's differences and strengths and yet focus our efforts to come together to make a beautiful sound.
We gladly welcome Micaela Candela, our newest member! One of my favorite parts about rehearsal this week was the feeling of friendship and anticipation that was there. The kids seemed so happy to see eachother (after only a few weeks' break). We commented to them how important that feeling of support and friendship is when working together to sing. Especially when the purpose is to inspire and uplift others.
It was wonderful to see the singers come in and be so enthusiastic and ready to get to work on our new songs and dances. We sang through each song in a circle and even got started on some choreography. With our group consisting of so many "seasoned" members, it will be amazing to see what we can accomplish in the next 11 weeks!

Wrapping up the Session

Our Fall Session "Simple Gifts" wrapped up with a standing-room-only Friends and Family performance at the Walton Park Clubhouse and a heartfelt program at "Miracle of Christmas" live at the Metro Richmond Zoo. Performing for our friends and family is always a highlight as the kids have worked so hard and are anxious to share with those they love most!
Singing at the zoo the past two years has been am amazing experience. Luckily, the weather cooperated and bundled up, we were able to sing songs to bring Christmas warmth and cheer to hundreds gathered to watch the live nativity. The kids especially love the free donut and hot chocolate waiting them after their performance! This event always helps us remember the true meaning of Christmas and we are grateful for the chance to perform there.